Wednesday, April 01, 2009

15 down

It's been a while so I wanted to post a quick update.

I'm 15 pounds down.  Only 30 to go. :)  I actually want to lose around 10-15 this month.  We'll see if I can do it.  At any rate, here are some personal things that I've been able to do since I started at Competitive Fitness.  

I can now do 10 unassisted pull-ups (maybe more, I'm not sure).  
I can do 100 push-ups coupled with over 100 squats in 8 minutes.
I can row 5000 meters in 21 minutes.  (harder than it seems)

Anyway, there are a few other things that I couldn't come close to doing only a short month and a half ago.  

For anyone struggling.  For anyone tired and wondering if they will ever be able to come off conquerer.  Just know that there are others out there with you.  

So, in The words of Jimmy Valvano--"Don't give up.  Don't ever give up."

Valvano, who was dying of cancer also said this (and you can liken it to whatever you are fighting)--"Cancer can take all of my physical abilites, but it cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart, and it cannot touch my soul" 

One thing we all can be sure of is that whatever we are fighting, Cannot touch our minds, Cannot touch our hearts, and cannot touch our souls.  

Let's keep fighting.   

For anyone interested, here is a link to Jimmy V's speech.  It's about 10 minutes, and very, very good.