Tuesday, August 22, 2006


So, I started school again. Or rather, the next semester of school has begun for me. I think it is going to suck. I can't be 100% sure about that, but I'm thinking it will. I go to ASU and let me tell you, Fall semester sucks worse than the other semesters because there are probably 700,000 freshmen running around this campus with stupid grins on their faces, "Woo hoo, I'm in college now!" And truthfully, there isn't anything wrong with being excited to be back at school--learning is a good thing. But, the part that gets me are the bajillion sigma nu's, delta phi's, kapa kappa beta phi alpha's. Nothing but a bunch of seemingly shallow tarts wandering around in their sorority tank tops advertising their sorority for new suckers to join.

I've never been in an "organized" fraternity, but I don't think I would ever want to be in one anyway. Don't you have to pay lots of denero for that stuff. And for what? So you can pay to wear a symbol while you party and get drunk. Can't you do that for free and just live somewhere else? I know, I know, it's the experience of it all. Well, poop on that experience, you can keep it! Especially if that experience requires the use of said poop to finally get in. Yikes.

Enough of that tangent--speaking of math, I have a biomechanics course I'm not really looking forward to. Oh well, how does that saying go....I've made my bed, so now I have to sleep in it? Or, I've slept in your bed so now I have to make it soon? I never know.

Got to get to class now. But that last comment will lead nicely into my next segment--American phraseology. Where do some of these sayings come from? Scene.


Anonymous said...


someone needs to teach a class on bo-metrics . . . to measure just how rank your pits are.

Anonymous said...

by "your pits" i don't mean your pits. i mean, anyone's pits. didn't mean to offend.