Sunday, September 13, 2009


Other than having a better camera....can you see any changes in me since exactly one year ago? It's the same way that I looked when I started working out at Competitive Fitness in February of this year.


Dixiechick said...

Ummmm, hmmmm, your arms are up?

Anonymous said...

you can lift your arms!

Anonymous said...

drat, dixie beat me to it.

but in all seriousness, way to go. you are looking toned.

Dana said...

you lost your undies??

No really, YOWSA!! Looking good.

✩Molly✩ said...

:) I love how "the eye of the tiger" peps up the accomplishment. Looking great :)

Allyson & Jere said...

Pudder, I couldn't be PROUDER! Your back looks Hawwwwwwwt!

DianD said...

Woohoo!!! Wish we had some befores and afters of your Dad! He's looking a whole lot smaller, but not quite as toned! Could have something to do with the age. :) Anyway!!!! Way to go!

Erlynne said...

Wow, Porter! Congratulations and way to go! You look fantastic and you must feel SO incredible!!!!