Tuesday, October 09, 2007

New Post, new life

Well, what the heck. I haven't done much "blogging" since I started this thingy, but hey, there is always a time to change. Isn't there some song or verse from scripture about this? You know, a time to dance, a time to sing, a time to cry, a time to laugh, a time to waste away time doing a blogspot. I'm pretty sure that was word for word, but don't quote me.

At any rate, life is grand right now. I'm working, I am still happily married, I've two kids, and brace yourselves, I'm....oh wait, I already said that I was working. Well that was all very anti-climactic now wasn't it?

On a more serious note, general conference was this past weekend and although I did not catch all of the talks I should have, I caught some good ones. One in particular that is staying with me is the one by Dallin Oaks about what we fill our days with. He said, "there are good things, and then there are better things, and then there are the best things." He talked about the fact that we can get SO caught up in "good" things, that we often times become overwhelmed by them and never feel like we are getting ahead or accomplishing what we originally set out to do. This can be remedied by changing "good" for "better" or "best". I have tried to implement that since then and I have been very impressed at how much more productive I have felt. I realized that all he said was true. Here is a link to his talk http://broadcast.lds.org/genconf/2007/10/50/GC_2007_10_58_OaksDH__02381_eng_.mp3

I hope that link works. Everyone should listen to this. It was great. Anyway, I think I'll take the time a little more to write down some of the events of the day so that I will at least have something written down for my posterity. Maybe one day I will print these out and put them into a book or something.


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