Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Public or private/Church dance hilarity.

I've been thinking lately about whether or not I want to make this thing private or should I keep it public. The only reason to make it private is so I could write my deepest darkest secrets on here. The one added bonus I have is that no one really even knows I have this thing anyway so it is basically private as is. Also, I need practice writing things people would like to read anyway. So, I suppose I'll keep it public for now and just write for myself.

I made a comment in church on Sunday about how I felt like a 14-15 year old girl waiting to get asked to dance at a church dance because I was so nervous about standing up and sharing my testimony. When I got home that night I thought about that a little more. I pictured all of the dances I went to as a young man. There were always those girls (and guys for that matter) who you could see freckled around the gym that were watching every dude whom they wanted to get asked to dance by. Note: At that age, getting asked to dance only meant a slow, swaying back and forth kind of thing, and the thought of doing anything more was absolutely petrifying. So, you could see these girls hoping to catch eye contact. Then when a boy began the approach, like 6 or 7 different girls would get all giggly and a little pee would come out because of nerves. A true spectacle I tell you.

It wasn't much better for the boy though. You see the same kind of stuff amongst the men folk. Here's how that went down though. "Hey, are you going to ask Mary to dance?" "I want to but I'm waiting until the next slow song." "Oh. Yeah, me too" So the next dance comes and the dudes ask the ladies they have a crush on to dance and hilarity ensues.

You have a bunch of mid-pubescent boys and girls dancing all close to one another and liking it. The boys on the other hand haven't quite mastered themselves if you catch my drift. So, about 10 seconds into the song you take a look around the dance floor and the picture is the same everywhere you look--every boy is trying to stay as close as they can without "it" touching the girl. Not only does every boy not want that, but they are trying desperately not to look like they are uncomfortably dancing--with there chests as close their dance partners' as possible, and there lower half tilted away ever so slightly. It's like that all across the room. Trying to be smooth, all the while mortified and sure that everyone can see a their uninvited pocket gnome. I've been there and done that, and in fact was called out mid dance by one of my friends. What could I say, I was dancing with an above average girl who I had a major crush on.

Being a youth was just awesome. Anyway, the end of those dances must have just been hell for both parties. The boys were "blue" and the girls had to go and change because of the excitement pee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.