Sunday, November 30, 2008

Do you have the eye?

This is just a note before bed and a question for all of you out there. Do you have the eye of the tiger? Clubber Lang had it. Rocky got it back. Take a second to listen to that song on my page and then ask yourself, "do I have the eye of the tiger?" What the H. E. double hockey sticks is the Eye of the tiger (other than a GREAT song)? The eye of the tiger is the power to overcome ANY mental wall we might be fighting. I can tangibly feel something inside me that is different. I did something I didn't think I could. Now I know I can, so now I am going to do something else I haven't thought I could do, that is drop weight. You ALL can do whatever you want. I know that now. Get that "eye of the tiger", look your foe in the face, and claw the hell out of his/her eyes, then move on to the next obstacle and do the same. GO TEAM!!

Will Smith said, "when I hear that inner voice telling me to stop or I can't, I ignore it..." (not an exact quote) Ignore that negative voice.


Dixiechick said...

I love the energy in this post. I can tell you've turned a corner. I knew if you guys could just prove to yourself this feat you would realize what you can do and that you WANT to do it. Good job Port!

Anonymous said...

Love it. I am going to try to embrace this energy and beat away the negative voices!! You would make a great motivational speaker! :)

shane said...

"Get that 'eye of the tiger', look your foe in the face, and claw the hell out of his/her eyes"

Both morbid and inspiring. I love it!

Lana said...

You're sexier than Stallone baby!! WAHOO!!

Allyson & Jere said...

Oh Pudder, when I hear this song, I see you as an little 7 year old totally rockin this song. You have ALWAYS loved this song. It is a good one. Thanks for the little motivational upper talk, I think we all need it.