Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hi there it's me

There have been those who have questioned where I have been, or whether or not I'm going to follow through on my triathlon dealio. They want to know if I have thrown in the towel with my work outs. Well, the answer to all of those is: I've been here, yes I'm following through with the dealio, no I have not thrown in the towel. I have experienced frustration. Mostly because I've not lost a pound. I've been eating badly I guess. I'm having to literally write down everything I'm eating every day just to make sure that I keep it under check. I never realized how "that little bite here or there, or just one more of this or that" can REALLY screw you up. It is one thing to have a day or two, or even three where you step back, and eat not as well. But when you think you are eating "better", only to realize that although you have been eating your three square meals better, you have actually been sabatoging said efforts by having a "mini" chocolate bar here, and a "small" brownie there. I have come to grips that I'm a long way off from eating right. My mental discipline is needing some tweeking. So, that is where I am. I don't post pictures on here because I'm lazy and don't want to take the two seconds it takes to learn how and do it. So, one step at a time here folk. Yes, folk. First eat better while working out, then picture time. So, if you want picture time, look up Bill Cosby's picture time on youtube or somthing. Later.


Erock! said...

Real change comes when we are first truthful with ourselves. Bravo Porter...write down every naughty morsel you devour. I'll tell you, this swim of the tri is going to kick my poopper!

Dixiechick said...

I was wondering if you were ever going to post again. Nice to see you back. REGISTER!