Sunday, October 05, 2008

Back from my vacation

So I was gone all last week visiting a heavy friend of mine--ME!! I didn't totally dive off the wagon, but I more or less hung off the back, hanging on to a rope, being dragged all around the dusty streets of Tombstone pizza. But, I managed to pull myself back onto the wagon train and right the ship. Truthfully, the only thing I really lapsed on was the workouts. I only managed to get to the gym two times this last week. Oh, I also lapsed on keeping all of you posted about that. At any rate, I'm hitting the gym tomorrow morning and I'm eating like a champ as well. I have a goal to push myself and drop 5 pounds this week.

We had general conference these past two days and as expected, my batteries are recharged. For whatever reason, I thought this would be a little easier once I started posting what I was doing. But, alas, it is still difficult. But it is a little easier. Thanks to all of you who are sticking with me, and giving any support you can. I know I like to make a joke of my situation; but that is more to deflect my own fears and frustrations. It is your support and comments that help remind me to continue trying. I WILL do this, but a little nudge from friends and loved ones never hurts. Thanks,


Dixiechick said...

I just told Eric he should do a Thanksgiving Day triathlon with me. Want to do it too? Motivation for for Thanksgiving. Come know you want to. :)

Erock! said...

A Thanksgiving Triathalon sounds a bit daunting, but maybe. Stick with it little bro. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

Hot Diggity Daws said...

I had to see who had a blog called Stretchy pants. First I thought it was Tony, some of the responses seemed a little funny with a Tony slant, then I got on board. Good for you P. LOVED this post... too funny. W

Crandell Fam said...

You crack me up Port. I think most of us (not Dixie obviously) got the "I really want to do this SO BAD, but it's SO HARD so I'm going to do well for a while and then fall off the wagon and then feel guilty and do better again" gene in our family. I know I have it. Keep up the good work, Porter. I like reading your posts. You and Eric are motivating me to get back on the bandwagon!