Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I think bombs would work

You know what? I am going to fess up to an addiction problem I have. I'm a little ashamed, and a lot frustrated. Insanity is taking charge here. When I wake each morning, I feel the urge to dive right in, to bath myself in my addiction. This addiction is keeping me from my goals, my drive, and is altogether hindering my success. I smell it, crave it, and am constantly lured by its subtle beckoning. It's time to get out a bomb and get rid of it.

Costa Vida must be destroyed. I want to take a bath in the tamatillo ranch dressing--splashing it on my face while washing my back with fistfuls of sweet pork. I shampoo my hair with finely aged and greatly processed queso dip--using the chips like pummus on my calloused feet. I dream of quenching my thirst with horchata and medium burrito sauce laced with queso and pico cubes. I'm a hopeless addict. I have to give it up though. I have to walk away, and I will. I have a triathlon to train for. Pray for me, one and all. I will need it. I am kicking the habbit, and the habbit is NOT happy about it.


Dixiechick said...

Your explaination of bathing in all the ingredients has successfully cured me of ever wanting to eat their again...nasty!

Lana said...

I second that....

Erock! said...

MMMM, I'm hungry. Let's go there next week. I've never eaten there before.

Allyson & Jere said...

I LOVED that analogy, I thought it was brilliant. Sorry for the call of Costa Vida, good luck with the break up.

Erock! said...

Ahhheeemmmm!!! Did your fingers break? Are you giving up on the jog and blog program?
By the way, check out www.gdalabs.com