Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cause and Effect

Many of you know the cause and effect game. A storm causes flooding, which leads to mud slides, etc. I study for a math test, which leads to a good grade. I get diarrhea which leads to no workout on Tues! I feel like a truck ran over me, which leads to no workout on Monday. I don't work out for two days in a row, don't post for two days, which leads to 1.5 pound weight loss in that time period. Fascinating! So, there you have it. I have been under the weather. Tonight was actually a big SURPRISE! I was all decked out, heading for the door when my dinner wanted to make an exit before I did. My gym closes at nine, so I ran out of time. Plus, my dinner apparently had friends. Anyway, I'm still not deterred. I feel good about my goals, and I'm on it to win. I have felt very, very tired lately, and I can't figure it out. But that won't stop me either. Yay team!


Lana said...

Well, well, well...it seems that your posts are very poo-related. :) It's probably my lack of energy etc. that is sucking your will to exercise. You're doing more than your fair share around here right now, so I feel like it's partly my fault. But hey, maybe all you need is a diarrhea diet to lose the weight you want to. :)

Penny said...

I don't think I needed to know that your dinner had "friends". Ew.

Allyson & Jere said...

Well all I say is, hooraayyyy beer. A loss is a loss, even if it IS because you pooed it all out.
And Lana, when is anything he says ever NOT about poo?

Porter Shumway said...

Sorry Penny, I didn't think anyone but family would read my stuff. My apologies. But, facts are facts.

Erock! said...

Poo Poo Poo Poo Poo. I hope you wiped well.