Saturday, September 27, 2008

The unknown truths about "The Host"

Today's post, is in part, two parts. hahaha. I'm killing myself. Anyway folks, first my exercise/diet update. Yesterday was great. Really good. I felt like I was a swollen balloon, but I ate really well, so I'm sure I'll get blessing points because of that. Lana and I went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and I got grilled chicken,s a yam, and a salad. The only thing I finished or even came close to finishing was the salad. I just didn't feel the need to push it. That said, I do have a little discouragement because I'm not seeing ANY weight change. I've lost like 4 pounds, and hit a wall already. I'm sure I need to be a little more diligent with the eating, but I am better than I used to be and I'm not seeing the weight come off, so I started to feel like, "if it isn't going to change, then why should I change the way I eat". I got over that thought. Anyway, I'm still going strong.

Now, on to the meat of my thoughts. On my itunes, I have like 30 audio books. One of the said books is "The Host" by Stephanie Meyer. I do a lot of driving for work, so audio books are great to have in the car. Anyway, I was listening to the book and I had a thought, "Miss Meyer is leaving out 'the rest of the story'". I'm hear to fill it in.

For those who don't know (and this in no way will be a spoiler), the host is about a race of beings (souls) that come and over take humanity and take their bodies to live in. Like a tapeworm accept with more control. At any rate, I'm listening to this discription of how marvelous it feels for these 'souls' to begin life in their new hosts.

"She felt things she never had before, emotions she never knew possible. She could smell, taste, feel, in a way never imaginable before. It was exillerating. She breathed in, tasting the air around her--licking life with every breath."

That was not an exact quote, but I wanted to give you an idea of what we're working with here. As I was listening to this, I began having some pretty painful stomach gurgling.

"Hmm", though I. I don't think Stephanie is being fully truthful to these aliens. Because I'm thinking that if they knew the whole truth about the human physical experience they might reconsider what they were getting into. I see the real scene playing out someting more like this:

"She couldn't believe the rush of sensations. Her eyes drank in the surroundings as she carressed the ground like she'd never done before. Her mind raced with thoughts and emotion heretofor believed impossible. She stood up and began walking...gurgle. Oh great merciful heavens. This indeed is something she hadn't felt before. Clutching her lower abdomen, the alien tried to focus, but lost all train of thought because her stomach was in massive cramps. It passed. "Strange" she thought. She took a long deep breath, the air's fingers tickled her nose with pleasure...gurgle, cramp, gurgle. "What the...!" gurgle... "Oh! I have a sensation I do NOT like!" She heard someone laughing. She shot a glance over her shoulder to where she saw no one. She realized the laughter was coming from inside her head--it was the human she had taken over. "She was supposed be gone".

"Well I'm not." The human was laughing uncontrollably. "How do you like the body now life sucker?" I knew you were coming to get me so I ate five bran muffins, a plate of cheese fries, a bowl of chili beans, and three tabs of exlax. I figure if you are going to take my body, you need to know what is in store. I will say, for the first time in my life, I'm going to enjoy this bout of diarreah. "

The alien fell to the ground, writhing in pain. All of the pleasure and joy she had so recently felt, poured out of her backside. Wave after wave of burning, unhindered by attempts to stop it, came rushing out, making anything around her flee for safety. Explosions of toxic fumes erupted from the same area, rendering her senseless. There was no escaping this hell unless she herself wanted to face death from her peers. Yes, yes, she would rather face death than live in a body where this might EVER happen again. Screw the pleasantries, this sucked....

So, that is my take on how "The Host" fell short. More like a behind the scenes look (no pun intended).


Lana said...

That was genius. Thanks. Stephenie Meyer needs to see this.

Crandell Fam said...

ha ha ha ha ha !! That was funny! Blast those aliens---we have our own weapons, don't we?!

Erock! said...

The only way over the wall is to be more vigilant on your diet. I'm entering the phase of my fitness plan where I'm going to start adhereing to a lower fat diet and lower carbo's. Time to take it to another level.